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Surgery is the branch of medicine which focuses on the use of certain operative techniques used to investigate and resolve various medical conditions caused by the particular disease or traumatic injury. Surgery also had various possible purposes likely, Improvement of bodily function, enhancing the physical appearance of the body, or repairing the damaged, wounded or ruptured areas. Surgery also deals with the management of many acute injuries, diseases and illnesses that are differentiated from chronic, slowly progressing diseases, except when patients with the latter type of disease must be operated upon. All the types of surgeries are grouped together by their Urgency, Involvement of the part of body, the nature of the procedure, the level of invasiveness, various instruments used to operate.

Journal of Clinical and Medical Surgery is an emerging journal which deals with all the types and methods of surgeries by publishing tremendous information in the form of manuscripts from Researchers, Scientists, Scholars, doctors, students etc., and will make them accessible to all the readers across the world. Journal accept all kinds of Manuscripts like Research ,Review, Case Report, Clinical Image, Short Communication, Editorial, Commentaries, Review opinion, Brief notes etc., which falls under the scope of Surgery.

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Latest Articles

Review Article : Open Access
Summary of the Best Evidence for Postoperative Management of Breast Reconstruction Patients
Chang Qu, MSN; Qingqian Wei, MM; Xingfa Fan, B.S.Nurs; Fei Chen, MM; Yu-Yang Yu, MM; Yue-Xue Mai, MD; Jintian Hu, MD†; Na Liu, MSN*†

Research Article : Open Access
Sternette®: An Alternative Closure Device after Median Sternotomy
Andrea Lechiancole*; Enrico Spagna; Sandro Sponga; Andriy Dralov; Arianna Semeraro; Stefano Copetti; Cesare Puricelli†; Uberto Bortolotti; Ugolino Livi; Igor Vendramin

Case Report : Open Access
Recurrent Traumatic Hepatic Pseudo Aneurysm from Accessory Right Hepatic Artery: A Case Report
Eduardo Serpa*; Sarah Oh; Sundarachalam Pindicura; John Sharpe; Andrew Vasyluk

Review Article : Open Access
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in Elderly Patients: A Mini Review
Rekib Sacaklidir*


Case Report : Open Access
Conservative Treatment in Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis: A Case Report and a Brief Literature Review
Bonventre Giulia*; Mingoia Giovanni; Di Gregorio Riccardo; Dominici Domenico Marco; Nicosia Giuseppe; Angelo Giuseppe Livio; Sferrazza Sonia; Raspanti Cristina; Ferrara Gabriella; Palma Antonio; Maltese Stefania; D'Avolio Michele



Editorial Team

John A St Cyr

University of Minnesota, USA

Yulin Li

East China University of Science and Technology, China

Andrea Alexandre

Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli Foundation, Italy

You-Bin Wang

Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China

George Mouzopoulos

Peloponnese University, Greece

Giuseppe Lanza

University of Catania, Catania, Italy

Harry saluja

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rural Dental College, India

Kawungezi S Peter Chris

Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda

Sina Parsay

Tabriz University of Medical Science, Iran

Mohammad Waheed

Zagazig University, Egypt

Ali Najafi

Shiraz university of medical sciences, Iran

Guilong Wang

Guizhou Medical University, China